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Hina Khan Worldwide

This is how I have helped THOUSANDS 

create MORE by doing LESS 

Create MORE by doing LESS with Hina Khan

Over the past 5 years I have helped THOUSANDS of people create more by doing less. They gave me 1 hour of their day, and I gave them back at least 5.  To have a first hand experience of what I took them through, join me for FREE.

If you had an extra 5 hours a day, imagine what you could do? Join me to find out! Mark your calendar January 28th-30th for 1 hour starting at 6:00am ET. Video is OFF and the chat is ON fire! Listen from your bed, while preparing breakfast, or during your workout.

If you want your results to change this year, you need to make a change. These calls are it! 71% of people check their phones and scroll on social media right when they wake up. 50% of us check our email. You already know where that gets you...

Get more done by noon with Hina Khan

Try starting your day with me and my amazing community instead. These calls are a GAME CHANGER and the one thing that my clients and I credit for taking us from 6 figures to 7!


What you can expect:


  •  Start writing your goals or gratitude list while soft music plays. Tap into what you want from the place that anything is possible!
  • You will be surrounded by our community that will lift you up and support you. I will then do some teaching, explore concepts, and give examples from my own life. 
  • Drop your questions in the chat and I will answer live on the call! 

What you will walk away with:


  •  A positive vibration that will carry you throughout your day, helping your get more done by noon than most people do in a day!
  • Access to the replays for 7 days - You will be able to watch as many times as you like. Repetition is the key to retention and overcoming limiting beliefs in your subconscious mind. 
  • Start planting the seeds to bring the best version of yourself to life!


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Morning Study Club Day 2 - Testimonials - Hina Khan - Mindset Coach (14)
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Hina Khan


I am the go-to Peak Performance Mindset Coach for CEOs, Executives, and Entrepreneurs. With over two decades of experience, I have transformed the lives of hundreds of people globally.

Combining peak performance with spirituality, and leveraging my background as a former psychotherapist, I guide my clients to create lives they love - rich in ease, joy, and fun.

Through my curated Amplify YOU framework, clients have turned their annual income into their monthly income, deepened their relationships, moved into their dream homes, started businesses, and achieved so much more.

As a sought-after expert, I frequently appear on national TV shows, magazines, keynotes, and podcasts, including my own show Possibilities with Hina Khan. I am also the best selling author of A Return to YOU.